
Accommodation we are ready to offer We collaborate with the best hotels and apartment rent companies, this is the reason why our company grants best VIP-conditions in hotels, manors, mansions, and apartment. Rehabilitation you will get in the best health centers of our republic. Your task is to tell your wish and describe where you would like to live and we will find you the most appropriate variant for living according to European standards and for low price. The choice of hotels depends on your income, but even 3- star hotels offer good value for money but as the exchange rate is good in Belarus you might want to consider a luxurious 4-star hotel. The best hotels are built in the capital. Minsk offers 33 hotels for your choice. Among the best are: “Minsk”, “Victoria”, “Belarus” and others. The prices for rooms and even VIP-apartments there are much lower in comparison with foreign offers of the same quality. Comfortable and modern rooms are waiting for your coming. If you want to enjoy our untouched nature, take a rest far from noisy city and crowds of people on the streets – cottages, country houses on the bank of a river is all you need. Fresh air will give you new strength and energy supply. You should not forget about perfect guest houses on the territory of the National park in Braslav where you will enjoy Belarusian nature. Accommodations for all kinds of income, special discounts, wide choice and no delays or problems – all you need. You have just to contact us and tell about your preferences.

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  • Размещение сопровождающего лица
  • Организация экскурсий по Минску и Беларуси и разработка индивидуального тура
  • Покупка рекомендованных медикаментов и диетических продуктов при необходимости
  • Гарантия абсолютной конфиденциальности медицинской, финансовой и личной информации
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