Alexander N. Valasheniuk

Physician of Superior Expert Category Associate Professor of Department of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine at BelMAPGE for 33 years (including joints prosthetics - 20 years).

Main fields of professional activity:

  • Bloodless Arthroplasty and Revision Hip and Knee Joints during deforming arthrosis or oncologic fractures
  • Orthopedic and Osteoplastic Surgery
  • Reconstructive Joint Surgery (large joints)
  • Osteosynthesis of Femur Fractures and Polytrauma
  • Limb Lengthening and Bone Defects Replacement
  • Two-stage Hip Arthroplasty with High Congenital Dislocation of the Limb Length Restoration
  • Complex Arthroplasty (patients with poliomyelitis, hemophilia, and dialysis)

A. Valasheniuk is the author of more than 140 scientific papers (1 monograph, 3 manuals, 2 certificates of authorship, 7 patents, 32 innovations). He was the first in Belarus to conduct a hip replacement surgery for patient with hemophilia (a bleeding disorder). He was the first in Belarus to conduct a unique two hip joints replacement surgery without transfusion of donor blood (bloodless arthroplasty). He is actively introducing advanced "dual mobility" technology for Belarusian orthopedists

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