Mikhail A. Gerasimenko

Physician of Superior Expert Category

  • Respected member of the World Orthopaedic Organisation (SICOT: Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie)
  • Associate Professor

He won the scholarship of Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus in 2006 Dr. Gerasimenko won the award of the World Orthopedic Organization as one of the top three world's young trauma and orthopedic specialists in 2007(honorary diploma).


  • Graduated from Minsk State Medical Institute in 1997 with degree in "Medical Business".
  • Completed a postgraduate degree in Belarusian State Medical University in 2003.
  • Defended his doctoral thesis in 2012.
  • Twice completed a degree in Minsk State Linguistic University in absentia (majoring in German language, 2006, and majoring in English, 2007).

Dr. Gerasimenko has 15 patents, and more than 150 publications.


  • Head of Traumatology and Orthopedics Department at Belarusian State Medical University
  • Head of the Minsk City Clinical Center of Traumatology and Orthopaedics on the basis of the 6th Minsk City Hospital
  • chief freelance traumatologist and orthopedist of Minsk.

Working expirience: 17 years


  • Knee Joint Surgery,
  • Children's Trauma and Orthopedics,
  • Orthopedics & Rheumatology,
  • Arthroscopic Interventions in Large Joints.

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