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What is required for consultation on joint replacement?


We are ready to advise you remotely. To do this, you need to send an x-ray of the joint image, other medical documents, age, height, weight, chronic diseases. Information should be sent to email doc@medtravelbelarus.com. Within 2 days you will receive the conclusion of our leading trauma orthopaedists.

Are the operations held under local or general anesthesia?


Only your personal anesthetist will be able to answer this question. The choice of anesthesia will depend on many factors, including the type of surgery, patient's chronic diseases, blood pressure, etc. When you come to one of our clinics, you will receive comprehensive answers to all questions after the examination.

Can you make an individual health check-up program?


Surely, we can. To do this, you will need to answer the questions of our specialists and, possibly, send us a clinical chart or other available medical documents. Based on these documents, our doctors will compile the program.

Is it real to perform a kidney transplantation to a foreigner in Belarus ?


Annually, more than 100 patients from abroad come to Belarus for kidney transplantation. In order to get more information you need to fill out the form for consultation with our specialists here.

In what time should I arrive to the hospital after donor organ appearance?


A heart, in comparison with other human organs, is able to "live" outside the human body for no more than 4 hours. Therefore, we suggest our patients to expect a donor organ in Minsk. The best option is to rent apartments near the clinic, where the patient will be able to live with his/her family.

How long should I wait for a donor heart?


In our country the waiting period for a donor heart is 1-3 months.

How many transplantations are performed annually in Belarus?


The first kidney transplantation was performed in Minsk in 1979. Nevertheless, the massive development of the transplantation service falls on the year 2000. Since 2009, more than 3,000 organ transplantations have been performed in Belarus, and about 2,000 from them are kidney transplantations from cadaveric and relative donors.

Is it possible to check-up in a one day?


Yes, it is possible. Nevertheless, this check-up program will be of a basic nature, aimed at identifying problems that are plain to see. Such check-up programs are more suitable for patients under 35 years old.

For how long will I wait for a donor cornea?


Usually donor material comes to the clinic at the beginning of each week. Therefore, the optimal time for a visit for a clinical examination is Monday. In this case, already on Tuesday or Wednesday, keratoplasty (corneal grafting) can be held.

Can I fly on a plane after the operation?


Yes, you can fly.

I want a health check-up. Where to begin?


It is necessary to send a description of your problem to our email info@medtravelbelarus.com. Or contact us via Viber or WhatApp and tell your situation to the doctor. After that we can propose a check-up program for you.

What medical examinations do I need to send


Please, send the copies of all medical documents that are available. The main are: epicrisis (clinical chart) / hospitalization records, examinations results. Send all the docments to info@medtravelbelarus.com

May I pay for treatment by card?


Yes, you may pay by international card Visa, MasterCard in any currency.

In what currency is the payment made?


The payment is made in Belarusian rubles at the exchange rate to the US dollar on the day of payment. Or in US dollars (some clinics).

How long will I stay in the hospital?


Rehabilitation is an integral part of any treatment or surgery, so it will be necessary to spend some time in the clinic. The length of your stay there depends on the type and complexity of surgery. Also it much depends on the state of your health. The exact answer can be given only after studying of your medical documents and photos.

What analyses should I pass?


The list of analyses:

  • clinical blood analysis (with differential)
  • clinical urine analysis
  • biochemical blood analysis (AST, ALT, total protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, Ca, Na, P)
  • analysis for glucose and coagulogram (blood coagulability investigation)
  • HIV test
  • blood type and Rh-factor
  • electrocardiogram (ECG tracing)

Analyzes should be made no earlier than 10 days before the scheduled date of the surgery, i.e. should be fresh. Patient can pass the tests in his local clinic and bring them for surgery. Or it is possible to pass the tests in our clinic, arriving 1 day prior the scheduled date of surgery in the morning, in the fasted state. The cost of analyses is approximately 35 dollars.

Наши услуги

  • Бесплатная онлайн консультация по вопросам связанным с организацией Вашего тура
  • Организация быстрой консультации с врачами касательно Вашего лечения (через Интернет)
  • Размещение сопровождающего лица
  • Организация экскурсий по Минску и Беларуси и разработка индивидуального тура
  • Покупка рекомендованных медикаментов и диетических продуктов при необходимости
  • Гарантия абсолютной конфиденциальности медицинской, финансовой и личной информации
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