Obesity treatment

Gastric Banding Surgery in Belarus

Overweight and obesity are acute issues of the modern society. Everyone knows that United States are the country 1416318558_0with 60 % population overweight, and 27 % of them need surgical procedures. The only way to avoid surgery is continual nutrition monitoring. But if the latter is no longer effective, the gastric banding is the way. It's innovative and successfully tested method of obesity treatment. The surgery requires minimum invasion and it has all the advantages of laparoscopic techniques, but is less traumatic than gastroplasty. It should be noted that gastric banding is adjustable and reversible procedure. Belarusian specialists have put this surgical procedure in the list of services. They have been doing it at a high level for more than 10 years, and during this time in Minsk hundreds of local and foreign patients received their treatment.

Weight Loss Surgery: Features

The surgical procedure installs a special adjustable gastric band and fixes it on the stomach. This procedure is a real way out for obese patients. It leads to a significant restriction of food intake, eliminates problems after fasting (such as lack of energy or hunger). Gastric Lap-Band System (France)is a mechanism, which divides cavity of the stomach in two parts. Thus, the upper section stores 10-15 ml, and the lower one forms larger part of the stomach. The device is adjustable silicon band of 13 mm width is placed around the upper part of the stomach, and it forms a ring after closure.

Why Is It Effective?

Main aim of this ring is to make the patient feel satiated by increasing the pressure in the upper part of the stomach after first meal. Thus, it is based on creating "small stomach" , which is fixed below the cuff. During the meal, only small amount of food gets in the upper section of the stomach, and then the food slowly goes through the small MTG in the lower section. It allows to simulate the stomach's satiety and to have a long-lasting effect on gastric mucosa receptors. Then, nerve-endings impulses provide signals to brain, pleasure centers are irritated, and it keeps you feeling full for a long period.

How Long Does the Surgery Last?1416318558_1

Gastric banding surgery takes about an hour. Total time in Minsk is 4 days. This period includes the preliminary analysis and consultations as well as post-surgery rehabilitation in hospital. Main phase of rapid weight loss is in the first 6-12 months after re-adjusting ring. You should undergo re-adjustment after one or two months after ring installation. There is no need to return to Minsk for this procedure, it can be conducted where the patient lives. The surgeon provides you with all the necessary information.

Rehabilitation Period Features:

  • Patient takes painkillers within three days after surgery while staying in the hospital
  • Pain is not acute, and mostly in punctures
  • Patient can start activity on the day of surgery
  • Patient can start food intake in one day after the procedure
  • Eating patient begins gradually, the next day after surgery
  • Water is allowed in the evening after surgery
  • Recommended diet should is for two weeks and the food is mostly semi-liquid

Indications for Surgery:

  • Obesity combined with acute diseases that require surgical intervention (e.g. GERD, stones, etc.)
  • Obesity with a BMI index of> 40 without additional diseases
  • BMI> 35 combined with other diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
  • Lack of previous interventions effect


  • Lack of treatment motivation and self-discipline
  • Severe diseases of the internal organs
  • Menstruation and pregnancy
  • Excessive consumption of sugar
  • Acute or chronic stomach diseases
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism, mental problems
  • Bleeding disorders

If tummy tuck appears after the surgery, we recommend our patients to do tummy tuck or liposuction in Belarus.

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