Our Company

MedTravelBelarus™ is the first Belarusian Tour operator in medical tourism sphere. Company opearates since 2010 at the market and from this time creates a value in such strict kind of business. In this positioning, it provides guaranty and high quality care for people who need it.

As CEO of the company proclaim “We are heading ourselves in improving day by day our quality, sustainability and customers` satisfaction”. Main job doing now is increasing the effectiveness of processes and trying to keep abreast of the times. Combination of strategic marketing, orientated on maximization of services quality, with quality products and services are the main driving forces of the business.

Company already reached main goals in short-term period, obtaining high value at the local market and trying to achieve long-term goals, as keeping and strengthening competitive advantage, diversifying products and creates new value for future development. Product development going the direction of complying with the standards set by international organizations. Clients mostly people from Russia and EU, who wants to experience and get cheap cure, as to compare with prices in most of EU countries.

Mission and vision statements:

1. Mission – “We making the world functioning better and we orientated on improving people`s health and being, by turning their worst memories in fleeting impressions”. 2. Vision– “Medical treatment for everyone and from everywhere”.

Core competencies:

1. We work with urgency

2. We react immediately

3. We act efficiently

4. We remain responses for changes

5. We are headed to future

6. We are competent

7. We are reliable

We collaborate with the leading Belarusian medical centers and specialists in the sphere of medicine. All the consultations are free! Just contact us and we will explain everything. Confidentiality is guaranteed. The prices are low, no queues; risk optimization will let you save the money and spare the strength. Be up-to-date and use medical tourism services.

Наши услуги

  • Бесплатная онлайн консультация по вопросам связанным с организацией Вашего тура
  • Организация быстрой консультации с врачами касательно Вашего лечения (через Интернет)
  • Размещение сопровождающего лица
  • Организация экскурсий по Минску и Беларуси и разработка индивидуального тура
  • Покупка рекомендованных медикаментов и диетических продуктов при необходимости
  • Гарантия абсолютной конфиденциальности медицинской, финансовой и личной информации
Стоимость пакетов сопровождения

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