
Количество отзывов от клиентов:

Mashinin Sergej, Russia 07 Сентября 2018

I wanted to express my gratitude to Victoria, who promptly solved all our questions and problems. My father and I came to Minsk from Kaliningrad about the treatment of the eyes. On the first day we had a consultation at the Repuclican center of Neurology and Neurosurgery, where we were advised to apply to the ophthalmologic center in Minsk, but when calling there to register, we were told that everything… Читать отзыв полностью


Thank you for your warm words! We are always glad when our patients have results from treatment!

Shmakov D.V., Russia 07 Сентября 2018

Вид лечения: Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist

I had a consultation with Butsenko Tatiana. Attentive and professional approach. Excellent tools and equipment. The doctor answered all the questions of interest in plain, understandable language. In general, it's an old Soviet school that I really appreciate. Many thanks! Читать отзыв полностью

Mozoleva Olga, Moscow 07 Сентября 2018

Вид лечения: proctologic surgery
Продолжительность: 3 days

Good afternoon! I, Olga Mozoleva, used your website in connection with the need to conduct a proctologic surgery in Minsk. I live in Moscow, the connection was with a specialist Romanyuk Olga. I want to express my gratitude to her for clear answers to my questions, attention and help. I ask to note her work positively. From the 3rd to the 5th of April I was in the City Clinical Hospital No.11 in Minsk… Читать отзыв полностью

Natalya A. 31 Августа 2018

Вид лечения: Obesity treatment, Gastric sleeve resection
Продолжительность: 6 days

Hello to everyone who search, doubt or just learned about the obesity treatment through bariatric surgery!!!I was very lucky!!! The surgery was done by a professional team of surgeons of the Grodno regional clinical hospital!! The operation was carried out by Sergei Alexandrovich Vizgalov. I will not describe how everything was going, and how my every day was chanding, I can say one thing - it was… Читать отзыв полностью

Eldar Zeynalov, Azerbaijan 02 Июня 2017

Вид лечения: Diagnostics
Продолжительность: 3 days

Firstly, I want to thank the staff of Medtravel for a clear organization, beginning from the coordination of all the details of my medical examination, the program of staying and finishing with the meeting at the airport, placing in the hotel + passing an extended examination in Minsk clinical hospital #2. Separately I express my gratitude to my manager Fedor for the sensitive attitude to clients and… Читать отзыв полностью

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