An ambulance for foreign citizens in Minsk, Belarus is provided as soon as possible. What you need
31 Августа 2018
07 Сентября 2018
Для своих клиентов мы сняли ролик, рассказывающий о нашей компании
An ambulance for foreign citizens in Minsk, Belarus is provided as soon as possible. What you need
№1. Dental Implant Installation Certainly, it is one of the most common procedures for which foreig
Implantation has firmly embedded in dentistry in recent years. It replaces the usual prosthesis with
Transplantologiest, PhD
“Doctor of the highest qualification category, associate professor and assistant. Education Graduated from the Medical Institute in Homel, post - graduate studies in the field of surgery in 2006 (Minsk). Work experience in the field of transplantology 12 years Professional Activities Permanent member…”
Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, PhD
“Physician of Superior Expert Category Associate Professor of Department of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine at BelMAPGE for 33 years (including joints prosthetics - 20 years). Main fields of professional activity: Bloodless Arthroplasty and Revision Hip and Knee Joints during deforming…”
Cornea surgery, laser eye surgery, cornea transplantation (keratoplasty)
“Superior expert category in Ophthalmology Activities: Practice in Vienna (studying femtosecond excimer system) Head of Laser Microsurgery Department in the 10th City Clinical Hospital Work experience: Over 15 years Practice area: Igor H. Zaborowski specializes in the latest ophthalmic surgical…”
Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, PhD
“Physician of Superior Expert Category Respected member of the World Orthopaedic Organisation (SICOT: Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie) Associate Professor He won the scholarship of Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus in 2006 Dr. Gerasimenko…”