Experiences of Girls After Breast Enlargement

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One of the most popular plastic-reconstructive breast surgeries is mammoplasty (breast augmentation using new generation implants). Despite the fact that the procedure is safe, if you decided to take this step, you need to know about all the advantages and merits of this surgical procedure.

Who needs the procedure?

At all times, beautiful, high, firm breasts were the female dignity, while the ideal size have been quite different in different historical periods. For example, in the Middle Ages small but very high breast encased in corset was an ideal. Today, however, more and more women want to have large breast, while high, naturally symmetrical large breast is very rare. Therefore, women decide on a reckless act and go under the surgeon's knife. Sometimes mammoplasty is necessary for those women who underwent mastectomy (surgery to remove both breasts), or for those women who have difference between the breasts' size (for half or sometimes even full size).

Mammoplasty Pros

  • Ability to fix physical defects: restoration of the natural breast shape after its removal, adjustment of symmetry, etc .;
  • Elimination of problems arising from the large breast size. Women who have excessively large size often have problems with the spine, they can't sleep and exercise. Breast surgery can solve all of these problems;
  • The ability to improve the appearance;
  • No problems with breastfeeding - breast implants inserted deep into the mammary gland.
  • Affordable price and increased self-esteem;

Mammoplasty Cons

  • Scars that remain for life, and loss of the nipple sensation (2%). Only insert from the navel method does not leave significant scars;
  • Need to use general anesthesia - despite the fact that such procedures involve highly qualified anesthesiologists, there is always the risk of complications. This is especially true in cases when the patient has allergies.
  • Infection - there is always the risk of infection during any surgery, which will require immediate extraction of the implant;
  • Impossibility of mammography research (docrors don't do mammograms if a person has implants, therefore, it will be difficult to identify a tumor or breast cancer;
  • Long recovery period (you should wear a sports bra and take painkillers);

Real Story

Anyway, it depends on you. Here is a true story of the woman who decided to increase the breast. ”As a child I had to go through a complicated surgery to remove breast hemangiomas, and there was a big stitch, due to which one breast has grown to a size 4, and the second has not grown at all. I hope there is no need to tell you about a terrible complex and multiple problems at the time. When I reached 23 years, I decided to undergo a surgery. Prior to the procedure, I passed the tests, did a cardiogram, and had a consultation with the doctor where we decided to place 160 mL tear-shaped breast silicone implants. Incision was under breast on the bigger one and around the nipple in a straight line - on the smaller one. Doctor removed stitches in 2 weeks, and it took approximately a month to wear special underwear. The final effect (absence of edema, reduction of scars) became visible after about a year and it was amazing! I finally was able to buy a lot of tight beautiful outfits and feel attractive and beautiful. I was in a ward with a few women who had a breast augmentation each for personal reasons - someone wished to become more attractive for her husband, someone wanted to correct deficiencies that occurred after pregnancy and breastfeeding, or for some other reasons. But even despite the excellent results of my surgery, I do not agitate to do plastic surgery, 'cause such decisions should be made consciously and deliberately. And even though the doctors give a lifetime warranty on implants, age, childbirth, breastfeeding - all this factors affect the look of your breasts, like it or not". Check a full list of our plastic surgeries in Belarus
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