Top 7 health services, which are available in Belarus for 5 days

№1. Dental Implant Installation

implant_headCertainly, it is one of the most common procedures for which foreigners come to Minsk. Prices in Minsk and the European Union for such procedures differ significantly.

So, the cost of one implant "turnkey" installation will be about 1000 Euros in the Baltic states, while in Minsk it will be approximately 550 Euros. Besides, if you install more than 5 implants at once some clinics offer about 15-20% discounts of the total cost. Imagine the situation when the patient has to have 5 implants installed (which happens regularly). You will save about 1800 Euro for such a procedure (including the flight, insurance and 3-day stay in Minsk with food and entertainment).

It is necessary to add that in the Western Europe the turnkey implant cost can vary from 1,500 to 2,000 Euros. In this case, the saving will be up to 4000 Euros. It will take approximately 30 minutes for a good surgeon to install 1 implant. 5 implants are installed in 2 - 2,5 hours. Before the procedure, you have to undergo medical consultations and laboratory tests, and also x-rays), and after implantation it takes 1 day for the control examination and survey.  

You'll have to come to Minsk again in 3-6 month to have the crown implant (articial tooth) installed. It is possible to do this within 5 days, if the clinic has its own dental laboratory. In this case, the prosthodontist will make a mold for the future crowns production on the first day, and the dental technician will make and install the implants in 3-4 days. 

№2. Augmentation Mammoplasty - Breast Augmentation

uvelichenie-grudi-radikalnye-i-konservativnye-metody-1According to statistics, 50% of patients who come to the plastic surgeon, dream that for enlargement or correction of the breast size and shape. These procedures are the most popular among foreign patients who choose Belarusian plastic surgeons not only because of the relatively low prices (from $2500 to $3500, depending on the implant type), but also for the high aesthetics and quality of work performance. To say in short, recommendations here work have a very high figure!

If the patient had previously addressed the doctor by the Internet and had a pre-discussion on the possibility of surgery, then she passes laboratory tests on the arrival in Minsk in the clinic and has a face-to-face examination and a detailed consultation with the surgeon.

The next day the surgeon performs the procedure, after which the patient is in the hospital under constant surveillance all the following day long. The third and fourth day the patient lives in an apartment near the clinic, visits the clinic and goes for the bandaging. On the fifth day morning, there is a final bandaging, examination and the patient goes home. Further contact with the doctor will be by email and phone.

№3. Laser Eye Surgery

 Most people fear of the negative consequences of vision correction surgery. It may be justified either on outdated equipment or low surgeon qualification. It will cost 400 Euro in Minsk for 1 eye (including examination) for the surgical procedure by a surgeon, MD, who uses the latest generation Super Advanced CustomVue LASIK laser. Risks for the laser vision correction are minimized. If the patient has perfect options for laser vision correction, the surgery success rate is up to 99%.

The procedure is quite simple and takes less than 20 minutes. On the first day, the patient undergoes the survey on a number of indicators with the final consultation of the operating surgeon. On the same or the following day, the patient undergoes the procedure. After it the patient has to put on dark sunglasses and returns to the apartment, and after 2 day recovery the patient can return home.

№4. Body Check Up and Genetic Testing

flag-luchshie-vrachi-300x300The program involves the 2-3 days hospital stay, depending on the chosen research. On receiving advice from specialists (cardiologist, internist, gastroenterologist), the patient undergoes rapid blood test. The next morning, the patient has to do functional studies, ultrasound, and MRI (if indicated). The end of the day indicates the control consultation of the leading therapist with the results interpretation. If the doctor has disclosed a number of disorders in the different organs, the 3rd day enquires more in-depth studies. The final consultation marks making the initial diagnosis, and lifestyle and treatment (if necessary) recommendations. Within a week after departure, we will send the patient a written report by the doctors, which is translated into English.

In parallel with the examination, specialists carry out DNA material (saliva/blood) sampling and after that the patient can return home. You can view the results of DNA testing online on arrival.

The total cost of the program is from $1,200.

№5. Blepharoplasty

Our eyes mirror our true age like nothing else. So the procedure of the upper and/or lower eyelids plastics (blepharoplasty) is able to provide incredible anti-aging effect.

You should remember that this procedure requires all data on clinical tests as for the full-featured surgery. Therefore, the patient must arrive at the clinic the day before surgery for tests and the surgeon consultation. After surgery, the patient stays in hospital for 1 day. The next morning, the patient has to undergo the obligatory examination after which the he can return home and continue the communication with the doctor remotely.

Blepharoplasty is performed under both general and local anesthesia (as indicated). The price is $500-600 for upper or lower eyelids.

№6. Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed for diagnosis and/or treatment of the damage of internal parts of the joint. It allows to reveal various diseases by only a few millimeters incision. The treatment usually takes 5 days, during which the patient stays at the hospital. The cost of the procedures is about $1500-2000 (including diagnostic and laboratory tests).

For example, in the UK and Canada, patients face the problem of long-term waiting for this procedure (it make take 3-12 months). Although arthroscopy is covered by insurance, the patients however often opt for medical tourism. In this case, the problem can be solved in a week by the patient’s own funds. Or, if the insurance policy includes the abroad treatment option, it covers all the expenses associated with the trip.

№7. Coronary Angiography

kag03Coronary angiography is an x-ray contrast research method, which is the most accurate and reliable method for the coronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosis. It allows to determine the exact nature, location and degree of the coronary artery narrowing.

 In Minsk, complete heart examination will take 4 working days, within which the functional system of your heart will be studied from different angles. The research will result to the consultation of the highest-qualified cardiologist, who will tell you the detailed conclusion.

The cost of the survey will be up to $500 (including ultrasound, ECG, coronary angiography and a detailed consultation with a specialist (PhD). $220 more goes to transfer costs, accommodation costs and an English-speaking manager accompaniment.

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