
Cardiology (from Greek “kardía” — heart and “lógos” — word, learning) is a branch of medicine which deals with heart structure, heart and vessel functions and diseases, reasons of their occurrence, development mechanisms, clinical manifestations, diagnostics and treatment.

Today cardiology in Belarus is one of the most priority areas of medicine. Either technical base modernization of the leading centers or training of qualified staff has helped this field to become internationally recognized. This fact was revealed at the II Eurasian Congress of cardiologists, which took place in November, 2011. Successful organization of these two components of high-quality medical service helps to conduct complicated operations on heart. Due to rise in stroke cases treatment of vessel pathologies and operations on vessels have become more frequent.

Today in Belarus, as in all over the world, interventional cardiology is actively developing during which doctors have an access to the needed organ either through a vessel or artery. Accordingly, there is no need in large incisions, which makes it possible to operate patients who cannot undergo large surgical interventions due to their age. Interventional methods are not so harmful for the organism and make it possible for patients to rehabilitate in a short time. Development and application of some interventional methods in Belarus, including the method with ultrasound application for vascular permeability, have aroused interest of many specialists abroad. The reports about these technologies given at international congresses were highly evaluated.

Belarus has its own medical industry and developments. Artificial heart valve is the most popular and high-demand. Our company would be glad to help you in organization of cardiac operations of any complexity for foreign citizens. You may contact us in any convenient way and tell our managers about the problem. We are in touch with leading cardiologists in the Republic, so our medical coordinators will be able to redirect you the answer from doctors for a short time. Consultations with us are free! Besides, managers from the tourist device will be glad to answer any questions about the organizational issues of your arrival and to provide you with a price list.

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